Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why I chose this course?

We were been asked several times about why we chose this course. For me there are two main reasons.
First, as the name of course said, it is applying. The modules it contains are practical. I worked as an editor for a website before, and I'm planning to stay in this industry in the future, so it is important to know more about digital media. This course give me an opportunity.
Second, the course is an awesome combination of designing and programming. I'm more interested in design, but from my point of view, the I know about program, the better I will do in design.
Research Method provides us methods, gudelines, principles and other fundemental aspects in learning. It helps us find how to choose a topic, how to collect information, how to analise information, how to deal with problem, how to write documentary, how to properly quote reference. After we finish this module, we will know how to identify our interesting and choose a proper topic for final project, as well as plan and carry out until finish it.

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