Sunday, October 10, 2010

My exprience of using web browser

Currently I use Firefox as my default web browser and still keep Maxthon for specific use on my laptop.

Maxthon was the first web browser I used when tab concept was introduced and it shaped all my use habits. For example, open a new tab operating in background instead of opening a new window or jumping to a new tab, using "undo" button to go back to the former closed tab.But apprently stability of this browser is not developed along with its appreance. It often crashes without responding when several tabs are operating at the same time. That's why I decided to change web browser after I have used Maxthon for over 5 years.

Then Firefox and Chrome are taken into consideration. Undoubtedly, speed of Chrome is more satisfying, but there is a problem. Because of my laptop moniter screen, the default zoom proportion has to be 170% to achieve normal display, and I found it was impossible for me to set default zoom proportion in Chrome. Additionally, favirate of Chrome is placed below address bar and I'm not used to it.

Firefox becomes the only choice. Interestingly I deleted it from my laptop for several times before I decided to use it. Why? Because at the first beggining I didn't notice its most powerful advantage, plug-in. With plug-in, I could achieve more functions such as speed dial, block flash or ads, even define my own habits of browsing tab. Sidebar is another powerful design which allows users to shift among different sections. Stability should be praised as well, despite sometime the whole Firefox becomes very slow because of scriptes running on a specific tab. However, disadvantages exist at the same time. First, it takes more time to start Firefox than starting other ones. Second, some scripts running well on IE will have problems without specific plug-in, which means we have to establish all these plug-ins or use another browser with IE inside. For exmaple, when I try to download a file through Thunder, it is said the function is forbidden and I have to open the web link and download the file  with Maxthon. What's more, sometime plug-in themselves will lead to lagging problem. If this happens, I have to disable plug-in one by one to find which one causes this problem.

To my point of view, Firefox is not a browser for the begginners who is tend to utilise browser according to its default settings, however, it is really simple and powerful for those who are capable and eager to explore the inside of browser.

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