Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Mysterious event" at Posterous

When being asked to create a new blog, Posterous became my first choice, however, it let me down. When I tried to create new account at Posterous in Computer Room, nothing happened after clicking on "let's getting posting". No new window, no progress bar, no extra information telling me my request is being proceeding. After several failed attemptions, I gave it up and turned to Blogger.Today I tried to create new Posterous accounts with my own laptop. Three accounts were created at this time, but it took me 30 to 40 seconds to reach each manage page.Things changed this afternoon. Four accounts were established within 5 seconds! That's pretty fast.

So what makes the difference? I don't think it is because of internet connect speed. Maybe we have to choose the platform, the browser or the time to visit Posterous. lol

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